Opening the Eyes of the Fortunate (Inerlude on Emptiness)

Opening the Eyes of the Fortunate (Inerlude on Emptiness)

A Classical Commentary Which Reveals the Very Nature of Profound Emptiness

by Kedrup Je, Gelek pel Sangpo, 1385–1438

Interlude on Emptiness is a remarkable and highly regarded book on emptiness as understood in Mahayana Buddhism, the greater vehicle, written by one of Je Tsongkapa’s main spiritual heirs. In his presentation of the two Mahayana philosophical schools, Kedrup Je begins with detail on the Mind Only School’s presentation of emptiness, as taught by the innovators Arya Asanga and Master Vasubandhu, 3rd century.  He then moves to the Middle Way School’s presentation, as elucidated by the extraordinary Arya Nagarjuna, 2nd century. Next comes a more in-depth look at the two branches of the Middle Way School, which have distinct ideas about emptiness—the Independent branch and the Consequence branch. Kedrup Je concludes the book by diving even deeper into the understanding and practice of emptiness as presented by the Consequence branch.

This translation will be published in five volumes, the first of which—focusing on the Mind Only School—is scheduled for publication in 2025.

Emptiness Meditations

Emptiness Meditations

Learning How to See That Nothing Is Itself

a collection of several great classics

The translators’ goal was to translate definitive works that would help people all over the world master these two combined practices: quietude, or deep meditation; and then the insight into reality which is only possible from inside this state of quietude. The book begins by presenting theory—a treatise called Light on the Path to Freedom: An Explanation of the Steps for Developing an Understanding That Nothing Is Itself, by Choney Lama, Drakpa Shedrup (1675–1748).

It then continues with four different classics which—when taken together—are just about everything one would ever need to know for developing the platform of quietude: Stages of Meditation, by Arya Nagarjuna (200AD); the third Stages of Meditation, by Master Kamalashila (775AD); The Illustrated Stages of Meditation, by Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche (1900–1981); and a selection on how to develop quietude from The Gift of Liberation, Thrust into Our Hands, notes taken by Trijang Rinpoche, on an oral teaching given by Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche (1878–1941), on Je Tsongkapa’s Great Book on the Steps of the Path.

Bets Greer has over twenty years professional experience writing and editing public policy documents, technical documents, legislation, and fiction and non-fiction books—including philosophical works. She has worked in government, business, and volunteer-based organizations.

Bets was the registrar at Diamond Mountain University, as well as a board member and committee chair, where she worked to support students’ participation during the terms of study, as well as developed schedules, and wrote and produced catalogs. Bets also taught Buddhist philosophy and meditation, led group retreats, and did many personal retreats, including a three-year solitary meditation retreat.

Bets was the personal assistant to Ven. Thubten Chodron, a popular Buddhist nun and teacher, including managing retreats, scheduling volunteers, and editing books. She has also edited for many private clients, including Geshe Michael Roach, James Connor, David Stumpf, and BuildingGreen.

Bets has studied and practiced Buddhist philosophy, Tibetan language, and meditation since 1995, and completed a three-year meditation retreat in 2014.  She joined the Diamond Cutter Classics translation team, led by popular author and teacher Geshe Michael Roach, at its inception in 2017.  Her first translation with Geshe Michael—Emptiness Meditations, a book on how to meditate on the lack of a self-nature to things, written by Tibetan author Choney Lama Drakpa Shedrup—was published in 2022.   She’s now working her second translation—Interlude on Emptiness (working title), by Kedrup Je—which will be a multi-volume book.  The first volume is scheduled for publication in 2025.  Bets is the Managing Editor and Chief Archivist for DCC, and she helps support other translators, including the Pure Gold translation team in Shenzhen, China.

While Bets has worn (and wears!) many hats, her work is primarily singular: serving people who are working to realize their highest dreams.

Sessions by
Bets Greer

Bets Greer

Spring-Summer 2024

Interlude on Emptiness

Fall-Winter 2023/24

Interlude on Emptiness

Spring 2022

Interlude On Emptiness

Winter 2022

Interlude on Emptiness