The Compendium of Higher Knowledge

The Compendium of Higher Knowledge

written by Master Asanga (c.350 AD)
The Sun of the True Thought

The Sun of the True Thought

A Commentary to the “Treasure House of Higher Knowledge”

written by Choney Lama, Drakpa Shedrup (1675-1748)

The Treasure House of Higher Knowledge, or the Abhidharmakosha, as it is known in Sanskrit, is one of the foundational great books of Buddhist philosophy.  It was written by Master Vasubhandu (c. 350 AD) and contains a compilation of much of the philosophical and cosmological ideas that were present in the Buddhist communities in the centuries following the Buddha’s passing.  It presents ideas that range from the formation of the universe and our world to the ideas of actions and their consequences, and how the mind functions to perceive reality.  This work constitutes main text of the Detailist school—the first and “lowest” of the classical four schools of ancient India—and as such provides a foundation upon which all of the classical schools of ancient India rely.

This detailed commentary unlocks the meaning contained within the otherwise cryptic verses of the Abhidharmakosha, illuminating these crucial ideas for the world to understand and use.  This book is vital to gaining a higher understanding of how reality works, as well as being sprinkled with many useful tools that we can apply to our lives immediately.

Since 2011, Stanley Chen has immersed himself in the study and teaching of ancient Diamond Cutter Wisdom. Utilizing his expertise in Mandarin translation, he has played a vital role in translating and publishing the works of Geshe Michael Roach while actively serving as his translator. Stanley’s teaching engagements have predominantly focused on Chinese-speaking regions. Notably, in 2015, he made history as the first Chinese youth to deliver a speech on Chinese culture at the Mexican Congress.

Stanley and Zhou Xiaoping (Alison) embarked on a co-founding journey, establishing the Future Diamond Academy and launching the China Soft Power Global Executive Training program. This transformative initiative empowers business leaders through the timeless wisdom of ancient classics, with a core value centered on “helping others succeed.” In their commitment to spreading wisdom, PureGold Translation Project trains and supports translators for the Diamond Cutter Classics Series.

Stanley’s dedication extends to his role as the university vice-president, contributing his expertise to the Future Diamond Institute and Pure Gold technical translation company. His comprehensive studies in human resources during his university years in China equipped him with the skills to build strong international teams for his successful business endeavors, reaching across various countries in Asia, America, and Europe.

Additionally, Stanley is recognized as a distinguished translator specializing in epistemological literature from the 4th Century up to the Tang Dynasty of the late 8th Century. Complementing his academic pursuits, he is a professor at SCIM in the United States. He holds a senior teaching position at DCIG, embodying his passion for education and disseminating ancient Asian classics.

Sessions by
Stanley Chen

Stanley Chen