Difficult Questions In the Mind-Only School Of Buddhism

Difficult Questions In the Mind-Only School Of Buddhism

written by Je Tsongkapa, Lobsang Drakpa (1357-1419)

Je Tsongkapa's "Difficult Questions in the Mind Only School" is an auto commentary to one of his earlier works. It helps to clarify many of the finer points discussed in his original poem.  He gives an in depth description of the two additional consciousnesses of the Mind Only school.  His work is founded upon and backed by the great works of the Mind only scholars of India including Masters Asanga and Vasubandhu and of course Buddha Shakyamuni.  The contents of this text codifies the works of 1900 years before it in one place.

It is hard to imagine this much knowledge packed into one book.  Je Tsongkapa's amazing intellect and unsurpassed knowledge of Buddhist literature allowed him to write a text that no one else could.  Due to the vast knowledge required to write this book, it also takes a great deal of ability to translate as well.  Thankfully the text has been translated by scholar's directly in Je Tsongkapa's lineage allowing them to make clear the  most esoteric points in the text some six hundred years later.  This text along with its companion, The Golden Key, is intended to do nothing less than change how the world thinks.

The Golden Key

The Golden Key

A Commentary to Difficult Questions in the Mind-Only School of Buddhism

by Je Tsongkapa, Lobsang Drakpa (1357-1419), by Fearless Blade: Jikme Rikpay Reltri (fl. 1775)

"The Golden Key" is a wondrous exploration of some of the deepest ideas in Buddhist philosophy. It is truly a key for unlocking some of the deepest wisdom ever espoused in world history!  Jigme Rikpay Reltri's commentary to Je Tsongkapa's classic work on the Mind only school is both easy to read and deep in its import.  The annotations Jigme Rikpay Reltri provides makes this very difficult subject clearer.  One of the most difficult philosophical subjects in the world is finally accessible in the English language.

Our author takes a poem written over six hundred years ago and makes the finer points clear for today's audience. The original poem is in effect a summary of over four thousand pages of difficult philosophy from ancient India. Without a good commentary, reading this sort of text can be daunting at best. It is exciting to consider how much this book can change how the world thinks! This might be the most comprehensive book translated on the Mind Only school into English today.

Word Smith was born and raised in New York. He is a graduate of Temple University in Philadelphia where he completed a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy. Near the end of school, Word had an existential crisis where he deeply questioned his mainstream education and the use of life at all.  After this experience and months’ long reflection, Word went on to discover deeper truths about life beyond what he had considered in the past.

He traveled for the next three years, studying on his own to whatever he felt drawn. During this time, Word studied: permaculture, Chinese medicine, Tai chi, Capoeira, and whole foods nutrition, and received his black belt in Tae kwon do. Later he attended Heartwood Institute for four years, specializing in holistic healing, where he also taught.

Word continued his studies for another 3 years to become Doctor of Medical Qi Gong and opened a clinic with one of his teachers in Santa Cruz, California.

Currently, Word teaches and  translates as part of the Diamond Cutter Classics (Mixed Nuts) with Geshe Michael Roach. He leads the Electronic Dictionary Project and recently published “The Golden Key”, a book about the Mind only school of Buddhism.

Sessions by
Word Smith

Word Smith

Spring-Summer 2024

Mind-Only School Of Buddhism

Fall-Winter 2023/24

Mind-Only School Of Buddhism

Spring 2023

Mind-Only School Of Buddhism

Winter 2023

Mind-Only School Of Buddhism

Fall 2022

Mind-Only School Of Buddhism

Spring 2022

Mind-Only School Of Buddhism

Winter 2022

Mind-Only School Of Buddhism

Winter 2021 – 2

Mind-Only School Of Buddhism

Winter 2021 – 1

Mind-Only School Of Buddhism

Winter 2020

Mind-Only School Of Buddhism

Spring 2019

Mind-Only School Of Buddhism

Winter 2019

Mind-Only School Of Buddhism

Spring 2018

Mind-Only School Of Buddhism

Winter 2018

Mind-Only School Of Buddhism

Late Fall 2017

Mind-Only School Of Buddhism

Summer 2017

Mind-Only School Of Buddhism