Sebuah Lagu Kehidupan Rohaniku

Sebuah Lagu Kehidupan Rohaniku

Ditulis Oleh Je Tsongkapa dengan komentar oleh Choney Lama Drakpa Shedrup

Throughout Je Tsongkapa's life, he rarely spoke about his own inner spiritual life. However, in his work, "Song of My Spiritual Life", also known as "The Short Book on the Steps of the Path", written by Je Tsongkapa, he recounts the events of his own spiritual journey—showing us how he applied the Lam Rim—and continually mentions the following verse to encourage us: “I, the deep practitioner, this is how I practice; you, who seek freedom, must try to do the same.”

It will be in the form of a pocket book, meaning you can put it in your backpack and take it out whenever you need a chunk of wisdom from the master. In this treatise, you will receive personal advice from Je Tsongkapa, from how to find your own teacher and properly rely on them, to how to practice the six perfections, starting from sharing, and ultimately, achieving total enlightenment.

Pujian atas Ketergantungan

Pujian atas Ketergantungan

Ditulis Oleh Je Tsongkapa Lobsang Drakpa (1357-1419)

Je Tsongkapa's Praise of Dependence is a profound and poetic homage to the fundamental Buddhist teaching of dependent origination. Composed by the renowned Tibetan Buddhist master Je Tsongkapa in the 14th century, this text celebrates the interconnectedness and interdependence of all phenomena.

In Praise of Dependence, Je Tsongkapa extols the wisdom of dependence as the key to understanding the nature of reality and transcending the cycle of suffering. He elucidates the profound implications of this teaching, emphasizing its role in uprooting ignorance and eradicating the causes of suffering. He praises the beauty and profundity of this teaching, exhorting practitioners to contemplate its meaning deeply and integrate it into their spiritual practice.

This work serves as both a devotional hymn and a profound philosophical treatise, inviting practitioners to explore the profound insights contained within the teaching of dependence and its implications for their spiritual journey. It is revered as a masterpiece of Buddhist literature, inspiring practitioners to cultivate wisdom, compassion, and insight into the true nature of reality.

Gibson pertama kali menerima ajaran dalam bahasa Tibet pada tahun 2014 ketika Geshe Michael Roach mengajarkan Langkah-Langkah di Jalan. Selama ceramah, Gibson terinspirasi oleh Geshe Michael yang menyebutkan bahwa kurang dari 1% karya klasik Tibet telah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa modern. Ia menekankan pentingnya terjemahan ini, dengan menyatakan bahwa ajaran-ajaran dalam bahasa Tibet ini memiliki kepentingan yang lebih besar daripada obat kanker, karena ajaran-ajaran ini memiliki potensi untuk menaklukkan kematian itu sendiri. Pernyataan yang mendalam ini sangat menyulut minat Gibson untuk mempelajari bahasa Tibet.

Ketika program DCC dimulai pada tahun 2017, Gibson tahu bahwa ia harus hadir. Ia membenamkan dirinya dalam proses mempelajari ajaran-ajaran ini dan cara menerjemahkan teks-teks Tibet dengan cara yang membuatnya mudah dipahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Hingga kini, kecintaan Gibson terhadap ajaran-ajaran kuno dan Tibet tidak pernah padam, ia sangat bersyukur menjadi bagian dari Mixed Nuts, untuk membantu membawa Ajaran-ajaran Kuno ke dalam Kehidupan Modern.

Sesi oleh
Gibson Chang

Gibson Chang